Vegan Info

About this website

The purpose of this website is to provide information/news about Veganism and animal abuse/welfare/rights. It is hoped this information will be used for research and prompt a consideration of why Veganism is so important, particularly at this time. While Veganism is concerned with diet and the environment, it must always be animal-centered. Veganism, which is not animal-centered, is not Veganism...

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."
(Vegan Society)

The Future is Vegan...

The Pig Industry

Pigs on way to slaughter
Pigs on their last journey, to be slaughtered

   "The term ‘factory farming’ describes a highly intensive system that breeds, fattens and slaughters large numbers of animals, while having so little regard for their emotional and physical wellbeing that they may as well be ball bearings on a factory line. Animal agriculture is a business first and foremost, with the aim of maximizing profits and minimizing costs. Under this system, pigs and other animals – every one a sentient, feeling, breathing creature – are pushed to, and often beyond, their biological and psychological limits.
   Pigs are super smart, highly social animals with distinct personalities and preferences. On factory farms, every natural instinct is thwarted and every expression of natural behavior denied. They may never see sunlight or breathe fresh air. They cannot live in social groups, roam, explore, choose a mate or rear their young. They are given nothing at all to play with or to do – nothing to satisfy their natural curiosity. All factory farming is cruel, and pigs suffer terribly in this harsh and merciless industry.
   In the wild, pigs would walk for miles to find a private place to build a safe nest in which to birth their young. On farms, sows are caged throughout their pregnancy, and these loving mothers have their litters taken from them over and over. They endure forced insemination and repeated pregnancies until they are no longer optimally fertile, then after years of physical and psychological torment, they are trucked to slaughter, with most never having even walked on the earth...
   Those who do survive the long and exhausting journey to the slaughterhouse face a terrifying end on arrival. Some will be forced into gas chambers and will die from suffocation. Others will have an electric current passed through their brains, which is supposed to stun them but often fails, and will be hoisted by a hind leg and their throats will be cut. It’s not just the young who endure this. Their mothers suffer the same fate when they break down under the heavy physical, emotional and psychological toll of life on a factory farm."
Source and full article:

   On 5 March 2024, the Irish Examiner, detailed how "an undercover investigation carried out by animal rights activists" in Irish farms had found "bodies of dead pigs lying on top of each other, along with pregnant and breast-feeding pigs unable to turn around in farrowing crates." The activists reported the animals were in "cramped coffin-like confinement" and some had "seeming untreated wounds and injuries."

5 reasons to stop eating pigs.
5 shocking, legal practices pigs endure on factory farms.
6 cruel ways that pigs are abused on factory farms.
Christensen pig farms.
Factory. The industrial exploitation of pigs.
Footage of neglect at pig farm reveals untreated illness, malnutrition, cannibalism and brutal killing.
‘Grave mark on humanity’: UK pig farm investigation unearths ‘harrowing’ abuse.
How farmers “euthanize” baby pigs. Here’s what the media won’t tell you.
Is pig farming cruel? How are pigs treated in factory farms?
Is pig farming in the UK rotten to the core?
Investigation: Morrisons pigs.
Life on a pig farm: expectations vs. factory farming reality.
Pig abuse exposed.
Pig farm supplying meat to UK’s biggest supermarkets slammed for ‘tormenting’ animals.
Pig farming: why is it bad, and do pigs suffer?
Pig investigations.
Pig slaughter: Do pigs suffer when slaughtered?
Piglets in factory farms: a day in the life.
Pigs hammered to death on ‘high welfare’ farm.
Pigs: intelligent animals suffering on farms and in slaughterhouses.
Pigs mutilated without pain pelief: new investigation.
Pigs suffering in factory farming.
The growing movement to end one of factory farming’s cruelest practices: gestation crates.
The life of a factory farm pig.
The sorrowful lives of sows in factory farms: pig cruelty facts.
The suffering of farmed pigs.
Undercover footage reveals violent animal abuse on farm owned by one of Britain’s largest pig producers.
What's wrong with eating pork?
While abuse plagues the meat industry, it’s rampant in the pork industry.

Newspaper articles:
BBC (24/02/2023), DW (23/10/2020), Guardian (11/06/2019), Guardian (10/03/2024), IB Times (03/05/2023), Independent (23/05/2018), Independent (02/05/2021), Independent (10/12/2022), SF Chronicle (09/02/2023), Sky News (23/05/2018), and Vox (08/05/2018).

Cruel Morrisons pig farm forced to close.
Cruelty found at celebrated pig slaughterhouse in Italy.
Exposing a pig farm where baby piglets are abused.
Here's what really goes on in UK pig farms.
How gas chambers are used to slaughter pigs.
Investigation reveals cruel reality for pigs reared for Parma Ham.
More horror at Indiana pig farm.
New undercover footage: pigs driven mad by extreme confinement.
New Zealand's biggest pig farm - exposed.
Pig slaughter - hidden camera exposes high speed slaughter of pigs.
Pig slaughter - Snowtown abattoir, SA.
Pig slaughterhouse - the truth about bacon and pork.
Pigs kept in cages so small they cannot turn round on UK factory farms, investigation reveals.
See what we found in our UK pig farm undercover exposé....
The horrifying truth about pig farms.
This is how the pig meat industry treats mother pigs.
UK first investigation into pig gas chamber (Pilgrim’s Pride, Manchester).
Vegan activists expose cruelty on Northern Ireland pig farm.
We snuck into a UK factory pig farm...
What it's really like in a standard UK pig farm.
Worst pig farm in UK.